Hiring a private home health care company and a home health aide can be an extremely difficult decision. This individual will be charged with providing a certain level of care and managing and developing companionship with the patient.

If you are considering enlisting the help of a senior home health care agency, we have compiled a list of the top X factors that the ideal home health aide would possess to simplify your search:

  1. Great interpersonal skills. 

Getting acquainted with anyone – and spending so much time together right off the bat, can be a bit taxing. The home health aide must bridge any awkward moments and build a great rapport with the client.

  1. Strong conflict resolution skills. 

When two people spend so much time together, there is the potential for tense moments. The home health aide needs to remain professional and avoid any significant conflicts because this is ultimately a business setting.

  1. Practical knowledge and real-life application abilities.

An excellent education is undoubtedly a consideration. However, the home health aide must know how to put their education into practice. If a circumstance arises, the HHA must know the proper actions to take, learn how to use necessary medical equipment, and do all things needed while prioritizing the patients’ needs and desires.

Welcoming someone into your home to care for you – or a loved one – is a significant life decision. So it’s essential to do your due diligence and determine if the prospective HHA meets the above list, as well as any other predetermined list of needs you may have compiled.

Common Myths About Finding the Right HHA

Hesitancy is usual – because, for most people, this is a brand-new process. There are plenty of common misconceptions and myths that we would like to debunk while we’re on the topic of searching for the ideal HHA for you or your loved one!

  1. Age matters. 

Wrong. Most people believe you would want a home health aide somewhere between 40-60 years of age—experience rules. The HHA with the most experience in handling patient caseloads with similar needs to you or your loved one is most important. Their track record and professional strengths are what matters.

  1. Gender matters. 

Wrong again. While the vast majority of home health aides are female, that is not always the case. Gender does not matter as long as that individual is certified and capable of providing a high level of care and companionship to the patient.

Of course, personal preference is a consideration that should be discussed and agreed upon by all family members before seeking services.

  1. It’s going to be awkward. 

False… hopefully. Meeting anyone new and spending so much time together can certainly be uncomfortable at first. Many people tend to note that after the first few weeks that start to feel like their HHA is an extension of their family and an intricate part of their daily life.

Finding the Ideal HHA Amidst COVID-19

Being able to pinpoint services in your area that are options for your family is paramount. Considering medical and supplemental insurances and what services they cover, as well as finding a group that meets your expectations of caring for the health and well-being of either yourself or someone you love dearly – are essential.

New Millenium Home Health Care has been offering high-quality private home care services in the NYC area, across the 5 Burroughs, for over a decade. It would be honored for us to discuss your family’s senior home health care needs. Our premier senior home care assistance in New York specializes in a wide range of patient needs, from Alzheimer’s or Dementia to post-operative hip or knee replacement care.

Since March 2020, our team of highly trained home care aids has continuously worked to meet and exceed local health and government officials’ expectations on best practices for providing skilled care to patients in the comfort of their own homes. We have prioritized safe patient and HHA relationships and interactions because everyone’s health is important to us.  

We can craft a highly individualized plan for you and are happy to walk through every aspect of every home health care plan. We understand this decision’s gravity and how important this choice is for every individual and their loved ones. That has been magnified since the outbreak of COVID-19 – we don’t take this responsibility lightly.

For all of your senior health home care needs in Brooklyn, New York City or throughout the 5 Burroughs in NY, please contact us by phone today at (718) 575-8191 or by email at info@newmilleniumhc.com.