CDPAP, or the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program, is a program established by the New York State Medicaid office. It allows patients to find, recruit, hire, and manage their home care service with a home attendant or certified nurse.

This excellent program gives consumers and patients the freedom to choose their care and caregiver. Whether you need a full home care service or just occasional personal care help, CDPAP offers patients more choice in determining who they welcome into their home.

To qualify for CDPAP, patients must have Medicaid, require home care service, and be either self-directing their care or have a representative directing their attention. The process of signing up for CDPAP is a bit complicated. New Millennium Home Care Agency is happy to help walk patients through the process – from the initial assessment to the application forms to help you select the perfect nurse or personal assistant for your needs. 

Ultimately, the CDPAP program is designed to give choice and freedom back to the consumer. With home care service, you are welcoming someone into your home and trusting them with your health. Finding the right person and right fit can be difficult, but at least with the CDPAP program, you are free to choose yourself.