With private nursing care services from New Millenium HCА, you can have peace of mind, knowing you have a skilled medical professional committed to keeping your health and recovery on track, so you can concentrate on getting well.

Because your care needs not always end, where your insurance coverage does, New Millenium HCA offers customized private service from highly qualified professionals to meet your needs at home.

When a family member recuperates from surgery or suffering from a chronic illness or medical condition, you may need professional nursing care to help minimize a potential setback or reduce the risk of infection. All of our registered nurses are PCA and HHA certified, and highly experienced in caring for patients with chronic and complex illnesses, including:

  • Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Heart disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Advanced illness

Our private care options can include the help of both certified nurses or a home attendant. We help families throughout New York, Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, and Nassau County.
If you want to learn more about private care for yourself or a family member, our Agency’s staff is standing by to help.